We possess, unofficially, the largest Brown Centipede in the State of Hawaii. It’s 7 and 3/16 inches from the tip of its head to the last body segment. If you find a bigger one, drymount it or freeze your sample. We’ll pay $200 for a larger specimen. No stretching allowed! All entries become property of Mokihana Pest Control.
Mouse or Gecko?



Our Name
The Mokihana Tree is indigenous to the island of Kauai. It is found only in the mountainous regions of that Island with the plant berrys maturing usually around May to June. Its flower is nondescript and is primarily used for its extremely fragrant berries in lei making.
Traditionally, a Mokihana Lei is representative of the island of Kauai. The fragrance is similar to that of anise. The color of the berries can range from medium green to pale green and sometimes have a pinkish tinge near the stem. Normally Maile is used to wrap around the lei and the two fragrances highly compliment each other. This Lei is the most prized lei of Hawaii.